
Showing posts from May 31, 2017

Blog 6 Final Project

In total my technology should cost  $5,050- $10,000 per beam depending on size). Cost of all expenses.... Cost of Parts Cost of Labor I. What materials will you be using? List all of them below. Compact Aluminum I. Who is going to make your technology? Why? I would need a construction crew to make my technology because it involves connecting aluminum beams to each house. II. How much of each material will you need (for a single product)? For a small aluminum bean you would need 1,000 pounds of aluminum For a medium beam you would need 2,000 pounds of aluminum For a large beam you would need anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 pounds of aluminum depending on the distance between buildings. II. Will you have your team/company do additional research? If so, what might be the cost of more research and development? I would develop this by paying testers about $1,000 each to test the product and if the product fails and causes damage to the house then we will compe