
Showing posts from March 27, 2017

Blog 3 Current mitigation

Sinkholes damage can be prevented by mitigation. Mitigation is  the tactic that people use to prevent the toll of a disaster and detect the disaster before it strikes. 2 of these tactics will be listed below with their pro's and con's... MSEDS (Mechanical Sinkhole Early Detection System) This device that detects air under the ground. This is useful in the way that it is very sensitive and will detect even the slightest amount of air in the ground. Sadly their are many ways to insert air into the ground and due to the sensitivity of these devices you will be getting a lot of false alarms. Another issue is the amount of money it costs to get a MSEDS, it will cost about $1,000 in total. NASA radar that was found can detect sinkholes. The NASA radar can detect unsteadiness in the ground where sinkholes may form. Most people can not get their hands on a NASA radar as they are government material. Also a NASA airborne radar cannot scan the entire world because its not that quic