Blog 4 My mitigation technology.

My mitigation technology
My mitigation technology is aluminum rods that connect buildings in places where sinkholes are very common. Now that you know what my mitigation technology is its time to discuss the pros and cons of my mitigation technology. We will start with the cons. Some of the cons are that it will take a while to produce. It also will not look to aesthetically pleasing. Also some people might oppose the idea because it may not look good on their house. Now lets move onto pros. Some of the pros are that they will save places money. Also if you where to think about it, it may make the cities look more modern. It is also a simple design that would be easy to repair. It can also provide homes for animals if designed correctly. It is also a cost effective design. To show my end project I just want to make a simple miniature model to show just how simple my design is. Now overall I just want to make the aluminum rod out of compacted aluminum foil. I also want the buildings to be made out of 3D models and to represent sinkholes I want to use janga blocks.
